

Peter Bevan trained as a Painter at the Royal College of Art in London from 1968 - 1971 and taught Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art from 1973 - 2003.

After visiting India for the first time in 1989 he started to make sculpture in stone, wood clay and resin and fibreglass, occasionally cast into bronze. For the last 25 years his primary medium was modelled in clay and kiln-fired into ceramic and the surfaces are finished in various media.

He has been an Artist in Residence in Scotland, India, Japan, China and USA, but most frequently worked in India. Most of the residences culminated in work made on-site, which remain in Public or private collections, others were site-specific and remain where they were made.

 In 2004-2005 he studied on the Classical Asian Art Course at The British Museum just prior to a three-month collaborative residency and Exhibition, “Jugalbandi”, with the Indian artist Ganesh Gohain in Vadodara, India. He was awarded the Prince of Wales Bursary for the Arts, resident at the British School at Athens in 2007.

Inspired by the life and works of the poet, Robert Burns, he made two solo Shows,  “Love and Liberty” 2009 and “Portraits of the Poet” 2010 commissioned by Compass Gallery, Glasgow. A permanent outdoor sculpture, “Paisley Date Palms” was installed in the garden of House for an Art Lover, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow in 2009.

In 2008 he worked on a Bronze Sculpture residency at the Uttaryan Centre for Arts in Gujarat and returned to working in modelled clay-cast-into-bronze at the Bilal Academy of Art, KolKatta in February 2015.

Since 2003, Bevan has written regularly about the work of Indian Artists, Ganesh Gohain and Sanatana Gohain, in exhibition catalogue essays and Indian Contemporary Art Journal.

Nov 2015